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Bolton Primary School

Caring - Inspiring - Enjoying - Excelling



Year B Autumn Term - Our Local Area



Create a map of the local area where you live. Can you include a key? 

Go for a walk in your local area and see how many things you can find. 

Year B Spring Term - Off on Safari



This term we will be learning all about the lives of animal on Safari. Can you create your very own Safari and make a map for visitors? Remember to include land marks and animals!

Year B Summer Term - Beside the Seaside

Can you create a leaflet all about the seaside?

What would you find at the seaside?

What can you do if you visit the seaside? 



Year A Autumn Term - Let's go to China


Children to create their own postcard to write all about an imaginary visit to China to visit the major landmarks.

Year A Spring Term - Wonderful Weather



Create your own rain gauge. This activity will develop children's understanding on measuring and recording as well as observational and numeracy skills. Watch a TV or online weather forecast in order to record the weather over a two day period, listening to weather key words, looking at weather symbols and noting important daily changes. 


Year A Summer Term - Wonderful World


Our Geography Topic this term is 'What a Wonderful World'. We are going to be learning all about the 6 countries that are part of our Erasmus project. 


Before we find out about the other 5 countries, you need to know lots about our country. 



We are part of the United Kingdom. We live in a country called England. 

Can you do some research about England and it's famous landmarks?

Create a leaflet telling other children all about England and why they should come and visit us! 




