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Bolton Primary School

Caring - Inspiring - Enjoying - Excelling



Year B Autumn Term - Colour Chaos



Go for a colour hunt around your home for items that are different colours. 

Can you create your own piece of abstract art using paper, paint, crayons or pencils?

Year B Spring Term - Miro



Use your imagination to create a piece of artwork in the style of Miro. 

Year B Summer Term - Portraits from the Past



This term we will be incorporating our art with our history topic and looking at portraits from the past. Can you use pencil, paint or another media to create a portrait of someone in your family?

Year A Autumn Term - Willow Patterns



Can you create your own 'Willow Pattern' plate?

Year A Spring Term - Natural Sculptures



Create a sculpture using natural materials


Year A Summer Term - Landscapes and Cityscapes


For Art this half term, we are going to be looking at landscapes and cityscapes and comparing them. 

Can you watch the video below and can you see if you can use the same techniques are the artist in the video?

Can you create a landscape using patterns and textures for effect?


Art at Home - Christmas Competition 2020
