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Bolton Primary School

Caring - Inspiring - Enjoying - Excelling



Year A Autumn Term -



Complete Hour of Code Activities from

Year A Spring Term - Effective Searching Online



Using google search an animal or hobby of your choice and refine your search by putting for kids e.g. 'Tigers for kids'. Create a fact file all about your chosen animals/hobby. 

Year A Summer Term - Moving a robot


Download the Beebot App or use Beebot online. 

Can you use your debugging skills to program Beebot to move? 



Year B Autumn Term - IT in Our Home



Some ideas for activities at home:

1. Make a list of all technology in your home

2. Discuss with your child how they can keep safe online

3. Draw a picture and label all the different parts of a computer

4. Learn how to switch a computer on and off

Year B Spring Term - Word Processing Skills



Use a word processor to type about a family outing or a family member.

Use the skills that you have been taught in school to complete this task. 

Year B Summer Term - Grouping Data and Digital Printing



This term we will be using different software to display data. We will also be creating pieces of art work using computer software. If you have access to technology at home, look up pieces of digital art work and explain what you like about it.
