Lead teachers: Rebecca Hodgson and Ruth Elstone
Monitoring Governor : Kate Allison (Spring 2024)
RHSE (relationships, health & sex education) is part of our PHSE curriculum (personal, health, social and economic education). In 2019, with changes in legislation, we made the decision to employ a local RSE specialist teacher to plan and deliver the new content and the key aspects of the RSE curriculum.
Relationship and Health Education is compulsory in all primary schools in England (DfE 19).
The changes are to support children's development and their preparation for life.
INTENT: It is our intention that RHSE is high-profile and memorable and we believe the best way to do this is through employing a specialist teacher with significant experience. Our specialist teacher is already known to the school and the children through her previous work within the cluster. It was felt that having a specialist would ensure high-quality teaching and learning for all our pupils and we feel that the content is just too important to risk 'dilution' under different areas. We aim to be flexible and sensitive in our approach as we feel that the needs and experiences of particular cohorts can change year on year. It is our aim to promote safe, equal, caring and enjoyable relationships and to give a positive view of human sexuality with honest and accurate medical information so that pupils can learn about their bodies and sexual and reproductive health in ways that are appropriate to their age and maturity. We also aim to foster gender equality and LGBT+ equality and challenge all forms of discrimination through this subject in particular and to meet the needs of all pupils with their diverse experiences and including those with SEND.
IMPLEMENTATION: At Bolton, we focus on positive relationships, respect, and consent.
Some elements of the relationship and sex education will be taught in discreet sessions and age-appropriately by a specialist teacher. The specialist teacher is timetabled to come termly (three mornings). After reviewing schemes and following a recommendation, The specialist follows the Islington Borough Council Scheme which is outlined in detail below. Other aspects, however, will be taught as part of regular topic work e.g. Science, PHSE, and through assemblies and philosophy for children.
Real Love Rocks – The school will be using updated resources (April 2022) based on the Department for Education’s (DfE’s) statutory guidance, that specifically includes sexual harassment and sexual violence, including online.
The updated resources reflect the different types of harms children and young people may face as they grow up. These include child sexual abuse, criminal exploitation, radicalisation, and extremism.
These new Barnardo’s resources help teachers to talk to children about some difficult issues such as consent, grooming, technology, bullying, pornography, sexual harassment, and relationships.
Real Love Rocks is interactive and has been designed to engage children and young people in an empowering and fun way through animations, activities, and games.
The resource includes developing kindness, understanding and empathy for both themselves and others. This edition emphasises the importance of emotional regulation and the importance of creating a support network of safe and trusted people.
Activities include talking through different scenarios like not being invited to play with friends or being dared to do challenges that are not okay and discussing how these things would make them feel.
And the online safety section encourages children to explore what they watch online and how this makes them feel.
It also includes activities around misinformation, scams and inappropriate content to help children develop their critical thinking to be able to navigate our ever-changing modern world.
Session Coverage:
1 Feelings, brains, bodies, OK/ Not OK
2. Healthy Relationships (including LGBTQ+)
3. Grooming
4. Being Safe Online
Parents are informed about the delivery and timetabling of the sex education as they do have the right to withdraw their child from this aspect of the lessons.
We also consulted with parents to ascertain their views on our provision and asked them for comments on our RHSE curriculum (see below).
Parents do not have the right to withdraw from Health and Relationship Education. However, If you wish to discuss any of the content in more detail, please contact Ruth Elstone, Headteacher.
IMPACT - We are extremely proud of our RHSE/PHSE work at Bolton Primary. The evidence is seen through our well-rounded, confident, tolerant and independent students that leave us in Y6. They take with them skills, knowledge and understanding that will help them to further grow and develop personally, well equipped to make choices in the real world. Our children's behaviour and attitude in school and at break times also demonstrates their respect, tolerance and genuine care for each other and themselves.
Ofsted 2020 (Jan) - 'Pupils say they feel safe, because everyone takes good care of each other.'
'Staff care deeply about the well-being of their pupils. This reflects the school's caring nature.'
Year 1 of 2 year cycle Summary of RHSE lesson content for Class 1
There will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions during and after each session
Session 1: Are we all the same? Similarities and differences
To understand the similarities and differences between people
To learn to respect, understand and enjoy differences in people
To think about how someone might feel if they are different from others around them
To try and empathise and be sensitive to other people’s feelings
Session 2: Growing and Changing, Friendship and Special People
To explore how they change as they grow up
To understand the changes that take place physically and socially as they grow up
To learn about friendship and how to be a good friend
To describe what a friend is and what a friend does
To demonstrate some of the skills needed to maintain friendships
Session 3: What does family mean to us? Understanding feelings
To learn about families and how family members care for each other
To describe a variety of family situations and know that family patterns are different for everybody
To be able to describe different ways that families show they care for each other
To learn how emotions affect us
To be able to describe a feeling and how it affects them inside and out
Session Four: Keeping Safe , People who can help
To learn about being scared and keeping safe
To be able to describe how to keep safe and what to do if they feel scared
To identify people who can help them
To know when and how to ask for help
To be able to identify people that they can ask for help
To describe situations when they would need help
Year 2 of 2 year cycle Summary of RHSE lesson content for Class 1
There will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions during and after each session
Session 1: Girls and boys can & What’s male and female
To understand and respect the differences between people
To understand that girls and boys can both do the same tasks and enjoy the same things, but this is not always shown in the media
To learn the biological differences between males and females animals
To understand the creation of new life requires a male and a female
Learn that female mammals give birth and nurse their young
Session 2: Labelling male and female bodies & Human life cycles
Learn to identify and name the main male and female sex parts
To understand that male and female sex parts are related to sexual reproduction
To learn about growing from young to old and that they are growing and changing
To identify key stages in the human life cycle
To understand that all living things including humans start life as babies and that they have changed since they were babies
Session 3: Everybody needs caring for & Review so far
To know that everyone needs to be cared for and how to care for others
To understand that we all have different needs and require different types of care
To understand the link between needs, caring and changes throughout the life cycle
Time to revisit any of these topics- particularly labelling body part
Year 1 of 2 year cycle - Summary of RHSE lesson content for Class 2
There will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions during and after each session
Session 1: Who is in my family? Special and different families
To learn about the way they grow and change throughout the human life cycle
To understand that change is ongoing
To be able to describe different types of family
To learn the ways in which their home life is special
To know that families care for each other in a variety of ways
Session 2: No more bullying please, What is it like having a new baby?
To learn that there are different types of teasing and that bullying is wrong
To know what to do in a bullying situation
To learn about having a baby in the family
To understand the changes a new baby brings
To know something about caring for a new baby
To know some qualities and skills parents need
Session 3: Feeling good about being different, Stories about gender
To recognise their own worth as individuals and to challenge stereotyping
To identify positive things about themselves and others
To understand that boys and girls can do the same tasks and enjoy the samethings but that sometimes media, stories and people sometimes present different stereotypes
To recognise and challenge stereotyping with confidence
To understand the pitfalls of stereotyping
Year 2 of 2 year cycle - Summary of RHSE lesson content for Class 2
There will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions during and after each session
Session 1 : Growing and changing & Public/Private body parts
To learn about the way we grow and change throughout the human life cycle
Understand that change is ongoing and individual
To learn the public and private parts of the body and to be able to name these parts
To know what type touching is OK and what is not
To create a list of people for their own safety network
To understand that it is their body and what they say goes
Session 2: Changing body parts & Growing up
To learn the physical changes associated with puberty
To know that each experience of puberty is individual , beginning and ending at different times
Understand that changes at puberty are linked to human reproduction
To know that they change as they grow
To identify what they have achieved since starting school and plan what they would like to achieve in the future
Session 3: Changing the way we keep clean & How did I get here?
Learn about the impact of puberty on physical hygiene and strategies for managing this
To describe how to care for their bodies during puberty
Recognise the similarities between the wants of boys and girls and challenge gender stereotypes around hygiene and grooming
To learn about human reproduction
To describe how babies are born
Think about what foetuses can do in the womb
Year 1 of 2 year cycle - Summary of RHSE lesson content for Class 3
There will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions during and after each session
Session 1: Puberty – How our bodies change, Understanding menstruation and wet dreams
To learn about the physical changes at puberty
To be able to define puberty: the changes that occur sometime between 8-17 that turn us from children into young adult
To understand that everyone’s experience of puberty if different and that it begins and ends at different times
To be able to describe menstruation and wet dreams and the relationship between the sex cells (sperm and ovum)
To know and explain effective methods for managing menstruation and wet dreams
Session 2 : Changing feelings and changing lives, Building good relationships
To know how puberty effects emotions and behaviour
To learn about strategies for dealing with the changes associated with puberty
To understand how changes during puberty can affect relationships with other people and devise some strategies for managing some of these changes
To learn what values are important to them in relationships
To appreciate the importance of friendship in intimate relationships
To be able to describe that there are different types of intimate relationships including marriage
To understand that sex or making love may be one part of an intimate relationship between adults
Session 3: Feeling, thinking and doing-Changing relationships, Sexual relationship
To learn some strategies to deal with feelings in the context of relationships
To show awareness that feelings change during puberty and can affect our relationships
To practice strategies for managing some of these relationships and changes
To empathise with other people’s feelings in relationships, including parent and carers
To learn about human reproduction in the context of the human life cycle
To understand that sexuality is expressed in a variety of ways between consenting adults
To know that sexual intercourse may be one part of a sexual relationship
To be able to describe how babies are made and explain how sexual intercourse is related to conception
To be able to name the male and female sex cells and reproductive organ
Year 2 of 2 year cycle - Summary of RHSE lesson content for Class 3
There will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions during and after each session
Session 1: What’s all this about puberty? Becoming men and women
To identify the physical, emotional and behavioural changes that occur during puberty for both males and females
To understand that puberty is individual and can occur any time between 8-17
To understand that body changes at puberty are a preparation for sexual maturity
Consider different attitudes and values about gender stereotyping and sexuality and consider their origin and impact
Understand how these attitudes can be affected by factors such as age, religion and culture
Understand how media messages affect attitudes, can cause inequality of opportunity and affect behaviour
Session 2: Internet Safety & Sexual relationships (recap last year) and
Learn how to stay safe online and how social media can be used in a positive way
Plan their own social media profile showing they have understood how to stay safe online
Understand that sexuality is expressed in a variety of ways between consenting adults
Know that sexual intercourse may be one part of a sexual relationship
To describe how babies are made, including the relationship between sexual intercourse and conception
To name the male and female sex cells and reproductive organs
Session 3: Conception and pregnancy & Becoming a parent
Know the male and female body parts associated with conception and pregnancy
To define conception and understand the importance of implantation in the womb
Know what pregnancy is, where it occurs and how long it takes
Identify some of the skills and qualities needed to be a parent and carer
Understand the variety of ways in which parents and carers meet the needs of babies and children
To recognise that both men and woman can take on these roles and responsibilities
RHSE 2021 Parental Survey
Relationship, health and Sex Education Survey |
1. Are there any additions or changes that should be made to the Relationship, Health and Sex Education Policy?
I am happy with the Policy
I would like to see these changes:
(please comment)
I would like to see these additions:
(please comment)
2. Are there any changes or additions that should be made to the RHSE programme and curriculum coverage?
I am happy with the content and coverage
I would like to see these changes:
(please comment)
I would like to see these additions:
Please comment
3. Considering your own children, which of these areas/ topics do you think are most important in Relationship, Health and Sex Education Curriculum?
(Please leave a comment if appropriate).
Different types of families and different genders
Changing bodies (puberty) and growing up
Feelings and emotions in relationships (including sexual relationships in Y5/6)
Having and looking after babies
Online relationships and keeping safe
Other (please specify)
4. Is there an area that you do not think should be taught in school?
(please leave a comment to explain)
I am confident that the school will cover areas age-appropriately and sensitively.
I would prefer the school not to cover an area/ some areas because
(leave a comment)
5. Would you like support at home on how to speak to your child/ren about Relationships and Sex Education?
I am confident to talk about these matters with my child/ren and would get support if I needed it.
I would like the school to provide a workshop on talking to children about Sex and Relationships and explain more about what is covered at school.
I would like written information sent to me on this subject.
Thank you for taking part in our survey - results attached.