Year B Autumn Term - Year 3/4 - Textiles: Cushions
Learn How to Hand Stitch
Running stitch, back stitch, blanket stitch - all of these different hand stitching methods are essential when learning how to sew. A great way to introduce kids to sewing is to give them a piece of scrap fabric, and a needle and thread and get them to practice sewing by doing lots of lines of stitching. Let your child pick their favourite piece of fabric and have them choose whatever colour thread they want (it's best to use avoid patterned fabric, and to use thread that is a different colour to the material, so you can properly see the stitch). Kids can pick up and put down this project whenever they like, sewing for 5 minutes at a time or dedicating hours to the activity.
Follow this guide on the Sew Guide website, which has easy to follow explanations for the nine most important hand-stitches. This is a great resource for parents who don't sew - or who need a refresher - as it even covers how to properly knot the thread before starting, and the instructions are well illustrated with photos. At the end of the project, kids will have learned nine of the most useful hand-stitches, and will have a piece of fabric that is decorated with their hand sewing
Year B Autumn Term - Year 5/6 - Textiles: Felt Phone Cases
Year 5 and 6 are making some felt phone cases in school as part of their DT project this term.
Children complete some felt crafts at home. Children will be developing their early sewing skills. Follow the link:
Children can complete any of the felt crafts.
Year B Spring Term - Year 3/4 - Roman Structures
What structures did the Romans build? What three types of architecture were used in Roman architecture? There are dozens of Roman Ruins in Britain and they are dotted around the country from Scotland to Wales. Can you find the names of any of these and research them?
Year B Spring Term - Year 5/6 - Fairground Structures
Design a structure for a ferris wheel - How could you make the wheel?
How could you make the base of the ferris wheel?
What materials would you need?
Year B Spring Term - Year 5/6 - Structures
During this half-term, we are looking at designing and making structures. Cross-curricular links have been made to the 'History' topic of Vikings. We are going to keep with the theme of Vikings and Structures. Your classroom task is to design and make a Viking Longship. Your homework task is to design and make a 'Viking Helmet'.
Click on the link below to find out a little more about Viking helmets.
Viking helmets - KS2 History - BBC Bitesize
Research what Viking helmets were like. Were they as you had imagined or as they have been depicted in fictional books, films or the television? The pdf below is an example of how to make a Viking helmet. You could either use these ideas or come up with your own designs. Can you select and use a wider range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks such as: cutting, shaping, joining and finishing?
Year A Autumn Term - Year 3/4 - Torches
Can you make a list of reasons why we might use a torch?
Can you find out how different torches might be powered?
Year A Autumn Term - Year 5/6 - Moving Toys
Can you find examples of moving toys that use 'linear' and/or rotary motion?
Year A Spring Term - Year 3/4 - Cooking: Biscuits
During this half-term, we are looking at designing and making biscuits. We are going to keep with the theme of biscuits. Your classroom task is to design and make a biscuit. Your homework task is to design and make a 'cake' with a rainbow theme.
Consider the skills that you have been developing through your classwork task and apply these to the making of your cake.
With adult supervision, why not have a go at making a cake? Continue to develop your use of a range of tools and equipment safely, appropriately and accurately. Think about what you have learnt about food hygiene.
Year A Spring Term - Year 5/6 - Cooking: Seasonal Foods
Can you design a 3-course meal made up of foods from a chosen season.
For an extra challenge: consider the 'EatWell' plate when planning your courses!
Year A Summer Term - Year 3/4 - Sustainable Gift
Can you design a poster to promote the 3Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle?
Give examples of how items/materials can be Reduced, Reused and Recycled.
Year A Summer Term - Year 5/6 - Bridges
What famous bridges can you find? Write a fact sheet about one of them.
Can you build a bridge from Lego or other construction kits?
Year B Summer Term - Year 3/4 - A Royal Garden Party
We will talk about what we expect from our Royal Garden Party to celebrate The Queens Platinum Jubilee. Once we have researched and planned this, we will make, cook and bake some food for the school to share. Why not make a shopping list of the ingredients you might need.
Year B Summer Term - Year 5/6 - Nutritional Food
We will be finding out what foods create a balanced diet and which foods we need to include to make sure we have nutrition in our diet. Which foods can you think of that are good for you? Create a menu with nutrition in mind.