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Bolton Primary School

Caring - Inspiring - Enjoying - Excelling






Choose your favourite nursery rhyme or song. Learn your song off by heart and create some actions to go with it to perform to your friends at school.


Musical Instruments



Create homemade instruments with household items

Creating instruments together can be a fun activity and the instruments can then be used to explore different aspects of music.

Try creating shakers by using pasta and rice in empty bottles.

You could also try using bottles either with filled with varying degrees of water or empty and scraping them with spoons or twigs to make sounds, or just upturned pans and colanders.


Appreciating Music


We all love listening to songs and singing along to our favourite songs in the car. 

Your task is to create your own musical instrument that you could play when singing your favourite song. 


Friendship Song



Have a go at creating a poem for your friend or someone in your family. You could even turn this into a song using homemade instruments!
