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Bolton Primary School

Caring - Inspiring - Enjoying - Excelling



Year B Autumn Term - The Gunpowder Plot

Write a wanted poster for Guy Fawkes.

Year B Spring Term - Beatrix Potter



Who was Beatrix Potter? Where did she live? What is significant about her? Create a fact file all about Beatrix Potter and her life. 


Year B Summer Term - The Great Fire of London



This term, we will be learning all about the Great Fire of London.

Can you research what was different about London in 1666?

What kind of place was London nearly 400 years ago?

Can you draw a picture showing what the houses looked like in 1666?

Year A Autumn Term - Kings and Queens


Year 1 and 2 children are studying Kings and Queens this half term in History.

Some ideas for activities at home:

1. Make a fact file about a King or Queen from the past

2. Create a poster all about a Monarch from the past

3. Make some top trump cards for the different Monarchs

4. Create a timeline of significant Kings and Queens

Year A Spring Term - Nurturing Nurses


Letter to the Government: In this task, the children will imagine they are Florence Nightingale, working in a Scutari hospital. They will write a letter to the government, describing the poor conditions and ask for further support to improve the hospital.


Hospital Comparison: In this task, the children will think about the war hospitals which Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Edith Cavell worked in, as well as hospitals today. They will describe hospitals from the past and hospitals today by drawing pictures and writing words and sentences to describe what they are like.

Year A Summer Term - Toys


Our History Topic this half term is Toys from the past. 

I know that you have all enjoyed talking to your families including parents and grandparents about which toys they played with when they were little. 


I think it is really important to find out all about lives of our families. 

Can you find out about some big events that your parents or grandparents have been part of? Such as World War 2, invention of the internet, how clothes have changed, changes with transport - have a look at some photos and discuss them with your family members. 

