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Bolton Primary School

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GDPR at Bolton Primary

Responsibility for GDPR: Ruth Elstone (HT) and Helen Austin the SSBM who is our DPO (Data Protection Officer).

GDPR governor - Ian Thompson since Nov 22

Schools handle a large amount of personal data such as information on pupils, results, medical information, images and much more. Similarly, we hold information on staff, governors, volunteers, job applicants. This is known as 'special category data.' Personal data is any information that can lead to a person being identified. 

Bolton Primary works hard to create a culture of data compliance and all staff are made aware of their obligations. They understand what constitutes a breach and know that this must be reported to the DPO and/or Headteacher. We have systems in place to process all personal data and record any transference within school or third-parties. All staff use encrypted usb devices and keep passwords secure on their school devices. 

For more information on GDPR contact the Headteacher/ DPO.  

See link below to our data protection policy (including privacy notices)

