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Bolton Primary School

Caring - Inspiring - Enjoying - Excelling


Homework Expectations


Homework Class 1 Reception

  1. Maths (15 mins)
  2. Reading (3 x 15 mins)    (max 1 hour) 


Homework Class 1 Y1/2

  1. Maths (15 mins)
  2. English task - Writing/ Grammar/Punctuation/ Spelling (up to 20 mins)
  3. Reading (3 x 15 mins)
  4. Lexia – (30 mins approx)
  5. Well-being/ citizenship (10 mins)    (max 2 hrs per week)


Homework Class 2 Y3/4

  1. Maths (20 mins)
  2. English task - Writing/ Grammar/Punctuation/ Spelling (up to 30 mins)
  3. Reading (3 x 20 mins)
  4. Lexia – (30 mins approx)
  5. Well-being/ citizenship (20 mins)    (approx 2.2 hrs per week)


Homework Class 3 Y5/6

  1. Maths (30 mins)
  2. Short - Grammar or punctuation – writing task (30 mins)
  3. Reading (3 x 20 mins)
  4. Lexia – (optional)
  5. Well-being/ citizenship (30 mins)    (approx 3 hrs per week)

Homework can improve retention and understanding. It can also improve students' study skills and attitudes towards school. We believe that learning can take place anywhere.

Homework is usually set on a Friday and needs to be submitted on the following Thursday. 

We encourage children to make comments on the Google Classroom platform for example if they have found something particularly challenging or easy.

If you are in difficulty please contact us in school as teachers may not be able to respond to a Google Classroom message in the week. 

Please note that the school offers 'clinic' for any children needing help with any current learning including homework. We have a homework club twice a week for any children that have not completed homework, wish to access support or would like to do some of their homework in school. Sometimes Y6 help with homework clubs. 

If your child cannot complete all their homework for any reason, we encourage children or parents to inform us and we will always try to help.

Sometimes homework is adjusted for individual pupils. We also make it clear that children should not go beyond the recommended time limits suggested unless they want to. 

We aim to keep homework fairly repetitious to build routine and we only ever set homework that is linked to current learning in the classroom. We ask that parents and carers support with any homework set and make sure that children have a suitable space to study and read. 

If you are having problems accessing homework or information on Google Classroom then please contact us at school. 

Our homework focuses on English, Maths and Citizenship /Well-being. If your child is interested in doing Foundation homework, please check out our website pages about 'Things to Do at Home' in each subject area in each Key Stage. These tasks are not compulsory but we love to know, if your child has completed any of these going deeper tasks and we are happy to share their successes in our Celebration Assemblies. 
